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President's Message - December 2021

Friday, December 10, 2021 12:03 PM | Anna Matheson (Administrator)

Written By: Delia G. Perez, CFRE, CAP®

As the year’s end swiftly approaches, I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for all their efforts throughout the year. The success of the Planned Giving Council of Greater Philadelphia relies on the contributions of our members and this past year, we enjoyed much success in spite of the lingering impact of the pandemic. On behalf of PGCGP, thank you for your dedicated support of the council throughout the year.

We’ve come through a year filled with both challenges and opportunities, and it’s been reassuring to know that we can count on your endorsement of our council to provide an informative and educational curriculum focused on best practices in planned giving. On behalf of the council, we extend our genuine appreciation to each and every one you for your invaluable support of PGCGP.

We encourage you to explore ways to get the most from your PGCGP membership: 

  • Regularly attend PGCGP’s Educational Programs offered in-person at the Racquet Club in Philadelphia to stay current in our field.
  • Register for the two-day Planned Giving Course in April 2022 as an informative overview of planned giving’s role in our field of philanthropy. 
  • Attend our annual premier educational event, the Planned Giving Day Conference, on October 27th 2022 at the Union League in Philadelphia to improve overall philanthropic results on behalf of the causes we serve.
  • Volunteer your time and expertise. Get involved with PGCGP committees to ensure the success of PGCGP program offerings while also strengthening your own professional skills.
  • Get acquainted with our sponsors and take advantage of the quality services and products they provide to better serve our planned giving community. We remain deeply grateful for our ongoing partnerships with our sponsors.

As we reflect on events on the past year, be sure to cherish time with family and friends, and also resolve to make 2022 the best of years. With all good wishes and happiness to you and your families for a wonderful holiday season.

Wishing you healthy and happy holidays!

P.O. Box 579
Moorestown, NJ 08057-0579

Phone: (267) 597-3817
Fax: (856) 727-9504
E-mail: info@pgcgp.org

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