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Afternoon Session
National Standards for Gift Planning Success
12:15 - 2:00 p.m.
The National Association of Gift Planners has developed the National Standards for Gift Planning Success (GPS). The Standards represent the best practices in the industry from beginning a program, developing support from the top of the organization, developing the ability and capacity to execute a gift planning program (no matter the size or scale), and create donor-centric engagement and management. With the advent of advanced computation and “big data”, metrics to measure fundraising activities are prevalent throughout all types of organizations. When it comes to measuring the effectiveness of a gift planning program, what are the best measures? When it comes to measuring the work of an individual gift planner, how does that differ from measuring the work of a major gift officer? The Standards dive into metrics and bring the best practices in the industry to a complex problem that plagues nonprofits big and small. We will look at the Standards and discuss best practices around metrics.
Christy Butler Eckoff is a Senior Vice President and Senior Trust Advisor at Wells Fargo Private Bank. Christy works with clients to integrate fiduciary, trust, philanthropic, business transition, and investment knowledge into each client’s custom wealth plan to help grow and preserve assets, while working toward the client’s overall wealth management goals. Christy is an expert on trusts and estate law, tax and gift planning, asset-based giving, impact investing, philanthropic vehicles, legislative changes and laws surrounding private foundations, supporting organizations, donor-advised funds, and nonprofit taxation. She was the founder of Significance Ventures, LLC, a full-service philanthropy, non-profit endowment and investment, and gift planning consulting firm. Previously, Christy served as chief foundation officer of the Atlanta Jewish Foundation, managing director, philanthropic counsel at the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta and served as senior director of gift planning at Georgia State University. She has over 15 years’ experience as a tax attorney dealing with complex trusts, estates, and income tax planning. Christy is currently the co-chair of the National Standards for Gift Planning task force of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planning. She is past-president of the Georgia Planned Giving Council and past-president of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Greater Atlanta chapter. She is currently a member of the Atlanta Estate Planning Council, Board member of Georgia Planned Giving Council, North Carolina bar and a trustee of the endowment of the Junior League of Atlanta. Christy was a board member of AdNet (the Advancement Network for Community Foundations), the Atlanta Estate Planning Council, the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners (Secretary) and the Association of Fundraising Professionals PAC board. Christy graduated from Duke University, earned her J.D. at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and LL.M. in Taxation at the University of Washington where she graduated first in her class. Christy is a CFRE Certified Fundraising Executive and a CAP® Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy.
Morning Session
Generate More PG Conversations with an Actionable Plan
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Being intentional and committed to building a sustainable and thriving planned giving program is much easier when you follow a written, actionable plan. Joe will guide participants through the critical components of a planned giving plan including, infrastructure, board strategy, donor strategy, messaging, donor work and stewardship. Participants will leave with an outline that they can put into action immediately.
Joseph Tumolo, CAP, started his practice in 2011 and since then has helped over 100 organizations of all sizes in all sectors build sustainable gift planning programs. He believes planned giving is everyone’s business and when all gift officers are equipped with the right mindset, behavior and skillsets, fundraising goals are met and exceeded.
In addition to working with clients and running the business, within the past 8 years, Joe has served part-time as a major and planned gifts officer for Salesian Missions based in New Rochelle, NY, Director of Gift Planning at Geisinger Health Foundation, Danville, PA, and Dementia Society of America in Doylestown, PA.
Joe has written several books on fundraising and speaks around the country delivering a practical, simple message that inspires people to take action.
See Joe in action on Youtube