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Click on the links below to access the full articles from our council e-newsletter.  The e-newsletter is distributed three times a year (March, June and September).  If you are interested in providing an article for future issues, please email info@pgcgp.org.

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  • Tuesday, June 04, 2024 9:45 AM | Anna Matheson (Administrator)

    Written by Jessica Brookstein, MBA, CAP®

    Summer officially starts on June 20, but unofficially most of us kicked off the season celebrating Memorial Day. Time to enjoy the good weather and partake in your favorite activities with family and friends.

    Don’t forget to take advantage of your PGCGP membership benefits! How many tools can you fit in your toolbox?

    • Join us for the our educational sessions at The Racquet Club in Philadelphia on Thursday, June 20, 2024 and Thursday, September 12, 2024.
    • Network on Thursday, July 18, 2024 at The Great American Pub in Conshohocken where we will be convening our first ever sponsor facilitated networking event. Hosted by Fiduciary Trust International. Register Here
    • Attend the 2024 Planned Giving Day Conference on Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at the Inn at Villanova in Wayne, PA. Register Here
    • Volunteer your time and expertise: Get involved with PGCGP committees; strengthen your own professional skills; network with your colleagues.
    • Get to know our sponsors and take advantage of the quality services and products they provide to better serve our planned giving community.
    We hope to see you soon and have a fantastic summer!
  • Tuesday, June 04, 2024 9:43 AM | Anna Matheson (Administrator)
    Beth Harper Briglia, a longtime PGCGP member who currently serves on the 2024 Planned Giving Day Committee, was recently recognized by the National Iron & Steel Heritage Museum as the 18th recipient of its Rebecca Lukens Award. The award recognizes women in Chester County (PA) who exemplify outstanding leadership and vision in the spirit of the award’s namesake, Rebecca Lukens, regarded as the nation’s first female industrialist. PGCGP offers heartfelt congratulations to Beth!

    If you would like to share an accolade or achievement of a PGCGP member, please contact info@pgcgp.com.

  • Tuesday, June 04, 2024 9:38 AM | Anna Matheson (Administrator)

    Perpetuity and Reality

    Q: We are a social services agency and have received a bequest that requires us to fund a program – early childhood education – "in perpetuity" (that's the phrase in the will). My executive director and the board have already accepted the gift, but I have reservations because the money is to be used for one purpose – and one purpose only – forever. I asked what we would do with the money if we someday didn't offer this program and the executive director said that it is probable that we would always offer it, and if we didn't, the donor's wishes wouldn't matter. He did this by reminding me, with a wink, that dead donors can't say much.

    A: Although that kind of response is convenient, it's a little too cute for the seriousness of the gift intention, as well as for the potential gravity of the situation. While dead people don't talk, their voices can be heard through the ages. And doing what donors want should be a big consideration – even for those who make their gifts through bequests.

    Putting aside the inconsiderate attitude for a moment, the word "perpetuity" has a meaning: "a thing that lasts forever"; "the state or quality of lasting forever." Note the use of the word "forever." Charities cannot promise something forever. It's not humanly or organizationally possible. Not when you think of the world in 1,000 years – or longer (because forever is longer than even that); but that is certainly true when you take into account the reality that not much stays the same for more than only a few years. This is why, when chartering his foundation, Andrew Carnegie said, "Conditions upon the [earth] inevitably change; hence, no wise man will bind Trustees forever to certain paths, causes or institutions." Benjamin Franklin said much the same when he established his historic gifts – 200 years would pass before the corpus would be distributed – to benefit Boston and Philadelphia, and Massachusetts and Pennsylvania: "Considering the accidents to which all human affairs and projects are subject in such a length of time," he wrote, "I have, perhaps, too much flattered myself with a vain fancy that these dispositions, if carried into execution, will be continued without interruption and have the effects proposed." But even if a donor is the one demanding the dead hand's grip, it's imperative that the charity accepting the gift doesn't bind itself past its abilities. No one, as I say, has the ability to promise something forever. With that in mind, I think it's best when gift agreements never use the phrase "in perpetuity." Actually, gift acceptance policies might be wise to use the word "never" when describing when the phrase can be used. (But that point takes us more to a philosophical conundrum than to an ethical dilemma.)

    But I also take note of your executive director's attitude. Although more and more states take seriously the idea of a donor's intentions, statutes (of which there are currently almost none) or judicial results (or which there is a growing number) on this subject should matter far less than the trust a donor infers when a charity takes a gift under its wing. Break that trust, especially if it's intentional, and the charity has no business being in business.

    While it very well may be that you fully intend to provide early childhood education forever, it would be prudent to accept the gift only after discussing with surviving family members – and obtaining their written agreement about this – a thought-through diversion of the income if it becomes necessary in the future.

    Bottom line (in addition to fostering trust through responsible stewardship): Although we don't think of it this way, a lot of ethical decision-making is based on our understanding of what words mean – and what future generations will think was meant back in 2014.

  • Wednesday, March 06, 2024 5:10 PM | Anna Matheson (Administrator)

    Written by Jessica Brookstein, MBA, CAP®

    Make the Most of 2024

    I am excited to start 2024 as your new council president and would welcome the opportunity to check in with you to see if your WHY and your WHAT are being met. Why did you join the council and are you getting out of it WHAT you thought you would?

    Whether your NEW YEAR started on September 15, 2023, January 1, 2024, or February 10, 2024, let’s make the most of your year.

    Maximize the benefits of your PGCGP membership to enhance your professional life.

    • Our education programs at The Racquet Club of Philadelphia include lunch and are scheduled from 11-2 on March 21st, June 20th and September 12th 2024. Please join us and learn from our expert presenters.
    • Are you an expert in one or more areas of planned giving? Consider presenting at one of our educational programs.
    • Register for our Spring Planned Giving Course as a good introduction to our field.
    • Attend our annual Planned Giving Day Conference which will be held at the Inn at Villanova on October 16th 2024.
    • Volunteer your time and expertise: Get involved with PGCGP committees; strengthen your own professional skills; network with your colleagues.
    • Get to know our sponsors and take advantage of the quality services and products they provide to better serve our planned giving community.
  • Wednesday, March 06, 2024 5:05 PM | Anna Matheson (Administrator)

    Written by Abby Axelrod-Wunderman, Philanthropic Director, Family Office Services, Foundations and Endowment, Fiduciary Trust International

    All families have good intentions when giving assets to charity. They want to share their resources, positively impact the community and show their children how their values are reflected in their philanthropic work.

    As advisors, it’s our job to help them understand that it takes strong focus and commitment to build a philanthropic program that carries into future generations. Building out the framework, the ongoing maintenance and evaluating the impact all require added thought and effort.

    Advisors can be effective partners in helping clients design a plan that includes extended family and others, creating a lasting legacy. Such a plan can communicate values across generations and develop a sense of social responsibility in the rising generation. Establishing a process-driven approach to giving can help build the bridge across generations and maintain growth within a family’s philanthropy.

    As an example, the following case study illustrates the experience of the Miller family, a single-family office, whose goal is to achieve family cohesiveness, clear communication and evolve together. What they initially lacked in structure they made up for by implementing a clear process to further their philanthropy.

    About the Millers…

    The Millers consider themselves a close family. The first generation immigrated to this country and started a local real estate business. From there, the second generation took the framework of that business and grew it into what it is today, a multi-million-dollar company spread across multiple states. Together, these two generations have experienced both poverty and enormous wealth. They have similar values and have shared many of the same experiences.

    The third generation was raised similarly to the second generation -- prioritizing hard work, family traditions and discipline. However, the parents and grandparents have avoided direct discussions of their family’s wealth with the grandchildren.

    The rationale was that they felt knowledge of the family’s wealth would create more problems for the third generation than opportunities. The first two generations have not given much attention to how the third generation will explicitly learn about their family wealth or how they will be included in meaningful family dialogue about the business or family finances.

    The Millers’ Philanthropy

    On top of this dynamic lies the Millers’ philanthropic work. A family foundation founded by the first two generations is intended to be passed along to the third generation and beyond. The oldest generation was leading the Miller Foundation at the beginning stages, while the next generation was more focused on building the family business.

    They engaged in a scattershot giving philosophy, giving gifts as possible to as many “good” causes as possible. There was no formal process for grantmaking and no follow-up with grantees about results and progress. This led to the Miller Foundation giving many small gifts each year to the same handful of charities.

    Eventually, the second generation decided to become more engaged. They evaluated the current charities and worked on better understanding the needs of the community. This led to the distribution of fewer gifts in larger amounts to those charities that were doing work that aligned more closely with the foundation’s mission. Certain charities stopped receiving grants, yet the first two generations of the family continued to share the same mission and focus. The giving techniques varied, although the shared values kept operations flowing.

    Inviting the Third Generation to the Table

    A few years ago, with the first generation in their late 70s and the second in their late 40s and 50s, some of the grandchildren began to ask about the family business. The parents and grandparents agreed to include the grandchildren in the philanthropic work as a first step.

    There were several mishaps along the way, from a failure to create a common language around values, to basic private foundation education, to breaking the silence around the family’s wealth. After a few unfortunate outcomes due to poor planning around how to integrate the younger generation, the family was ready for some philanthropic advisory and support.

    Implementing a Process-Driven Approach

    The Miller Family is not alone in their limited structure and desire to be better. For many families it is often a challenge of knowing where to start. Try these seven steps to help your clients focus their giving strategy and implement plans.

    Step 1: Unlock Values and Focus Areas

    The Millers initially lacked a basic understanding of shared values across the three generations. They also did not acknowledge that the rising generation may have their own values to contribute.

    The first step is to unlock and share the family’s motivations and values for philanthropic giving through a series of values-sharing discussions. These values provide the anchor for decision-making at each step of the philanthropy process. The simplest way to organize philanthropy is to focus on selected specific issues, rather than giving across many issues.

    Step 2: Determine How to Involve Others

    Like many high-net-worth families, the Millers wanted to involve family and possibly even others in their philanthropy. However, there first should be internal discussions around who, what, when, where and how to involve others.

    Involving family can take multiple forms, from including them in decision-making to preparing for eventual succession.

    Step 3: Set a Family Budget

    The Miller family had not allocated an annual philanthropic budget. This led to reactive giving overriding some focus areas and not leaving room for the rising generation’s values to be supported.

    Evaluating previous contributions can illuminate giving distribution across selected causes and the total amount allocated. With this holistic view, you can consider adjustments that can make the giving more proactive and inclusive.

    Step 4: Structure Giving to the Family’s Needs

    The Millers only considered one type of vehicle to carry out their philanthropy. However, there are many ways to structure giving, especially to include multiple generations, perspectives and values. While you can achieve philanthropic objectives through any vehicle, the goal is to select the vehicle or combination of vehicles that aligns with the family’s broader goals.

    Step 5: Find and Vet the Right Partners

    With the Millers, there was little structure around how they found and vetted potential grantees. While the task can seem daunting, understanding the “why” and “how” behind finding nonprofit partners will help achieve more meaningful results within the projects it funds. This leads into the final stages.

    Step 6: Evaluate and Measure Impact of Grantmaking

    Research shows the rising generation cares deeply about the short- and long-term impacts of their grantmaking. Understanding how to evaluate ongoing projects will help build success while encouraging the rising generations to be more proactive in their involvement.

    The Millers did not have a process for measuring the success of their grantmaking. Even though the second generation thoroughly evaluated the first generation’s grantmaking, it was not enough to cultivate a long-term understanding of the impact of their support.

    The most effective way to create meaningful change is to set clear goals, determine objectives and measure ongoing progress. Keeping a rhythm in the evaluation process is key, yet it is also where one of the major challenges in continuity lies.

    Step 7: Monitor Progress and Repeat Steps When Necessary

    Families often get into a rut when the reason for how they operate is: “that’s the way it’s always been done.” The challenge is to fight complacency and create accountability. Annual reviews are one way families can monitor their progress and make necessary adjustments.

    Bringing it all Together

    Philanthropic advisors can assist families with role clarity, responsibility sharing, communication and the appropriate dissemination of information. Successful outcomes are most often achieved with thoughtful advance planning and preparation. With the right perspective and experience, skilled advisors can create an effective process to help clients carry their philanthropic work through future generations.

    To learn more about Fiduciary Trust International and our Philanthropic Services, please contact Abby Axelrod-Wunderman at abby.axelrod@ftci.com or (212) 632-3000.

  • Wednesday, March 06, 2024 5:02 PM | Anna Matheson (Administrator)

    Written by Beth Harper Briglia CPA, CAP®, Philanthropic Advisor

    Tom Peters, author of In Search of Excellence, famously said, “If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade.”  The pending sunset of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) offers an opportunity for planned giving professionals to work with donors and their advisors to ensure that their estate plans achieve desired personal and charitable outcomes, while mitigating tax impact. Recognize also that a larger pool of donors will be impacted by changes in exemption limits. Now is the time to communicate with your donors to certainly inform on, and at best to participate in discussions with their professional advisors.

    Tax implications are rarely the sole motivator of charitable gifts. However, tax impact can influence the structure of a charitable gift. Consider the following strategies in your stewardship and legacy discussions:

    • Donors who use a formulaic approach in their estate plans to determine bequests to family, beneficiaries, and charity, should review this mechanism to ensure it achieves the donor’s intended goals while minimizing taxes.
    • Expect an increased use of charitable trusts to provide beneficiaries with income for life or a set term, with the remainder designated for charity. At modest asset levels, charitable gift annuities can provide similar benefits. The current interest rate environment favors these charitable gift structures.
    • A Donor Advised Fund with a planned gift component can be used to donate charitable assets today and estate assets in the future.
    • Prepare now to accept non-traditional gifts such as real estate and family businesses by using in-house or out-sourced expertise.

    Stewardship and communication with donors and their professional advisors is key to “seizing” this coming opportunity!

  • Wednesday, December 06, 2023 2:51 PM | Anna Matheson (Administrator)

    Written by Delia G. Perez, CFRE, CAP®

    As year-end approaches, I am thankful for my past three years serving as the President for the Planned Giving Council of Greater Philadelphia. Whether it has been collaborating with the Board, sponsor partners, volunteer speakers, or our members, I am indeed fortunate to be in the company of such compassionate and knowledgeable colleagues.

    Even more inspiring is the energy each of you share as we recovered from the limitations imposed by Covid’s many challenges. During my tenure, we gradually returned to our in-person gatherings and celebrated reconnecting with colleagues and friends at PGCGP educational events. I am encouraged by the positive potential 2024 will bring for the PGCGP and the members we serve. My enthusiasm is bolstered by the life-changing work we do daily in service to our respective organizations.

    Now is a perfect time to celebrate the achievements of the Council. We have worked tirelessly to best steward PGCGP’s financial resources and improve our revenue base, after enduring budget cutbacks due to Covid. We are committed to working on behalf of our members while striving to pique the interest of new members with topical and relevant educational offerings. We also urge you to take advantage of our PGCGP educational curriculum to improve your overall efforts and philanthropic results on behalf of the nonprofits we serve.

    During the past three years, PGCCP successfully achieved many of its initiatives, including the following:

    • Relaunched the Planned Giving Course in partnership with The American College as an introductory two-day program for colleagues new to the planned giving field.
    • Exceeded expectations for the annual Planned Giving Day conference as PGCGP’s premier educational venue.
    • Strengthened our partnership with the Association of Fundraising Executives for the Greater Philadelphia Chapter with our participation in the annual National Philanthropy Day award event, while also supporting each other’s annual conference.
    • Strategized a collaborative presentation with the Philadelphia Estate Planning Council focused on philanthropy for our combined membership in 2024 or 2025.
    • Cultivated high-level member engagement driven by PGCGP’s efforts to communicate via various online and social media platforms
    • Focused membership recruitment efforts to increase awareness of member benefits such as educational opportunities, collegial networking, volunteer activities, scholarship support, and mentoring assistance.
    • Enhanced PGCGP’s website as a robust hub of information along with our LinkedIn page as a strong conduit for connectivity.
    • Ensured quality educational programs, offered three-times-a-year, for PGCGP members and guests about planned giving trends of interest.

    As the new year approaches, we will look to our current members along with new and diverse members, to help us collectively build and strengthen the PGCGP. We will strive to better engage our philanthropic partners and sponsors to effectively enhance planned giving resources for our members and our professional community.  

    In the meantime, as we take our respective respites and enjoy the holidays, please remember those who are near, far, and no longer with us. Celebrate life, recharge, and consider joining us in 2024 at an exceptional PGCGP educational event.

    Wishing you joy, laughter and the warmth of cherished moments with family and friends!

  • Wednesday, December 06, 2023 2:16 PM | Anna Matheson (Administrator)

    Written by Adrienne Webb Schulman, MPA, CAP® 

    Lynn Malzone Ierardi, J.D. has been in the estate and gift planning field for more than 30 years. She is the author of Storytelling: The Secret Sauce of Fundraising Success (available on Amazon). Lynn recently moved on from her nearly 20-year career at University of Pennsylvania to NYU Langone Health where she serves as Senior Director of Gift Planning. 

    She served as Board Chair of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners in 2019. She is also a past board member and past President of the New Jersey Council of Charitable Gift Planners and former board member of the Planned Giving Council of Greater Philadelphia (PGCGP). We interviewed Lynn to get her takeaways from her decades of work at Penn and leadership on the Planned Giving Council of Greater Philadelphia.

    You’ve achieved a lot during your time at Penn. What do you feel was your biggest accomplishment?

    I really see the success of my work at Penn as part of the broader gift planning team. I’m most proud of our progress in breaking down silos in collaboration with the different schools, centers, and teams. I am proud of the work we did to strengthen gift planning across the University. From large-scale parts of the institution like the Wharton School of Business to our smaller centers like the Morris Arboretum, we built up planned giving programs. Over the years, building internal relationships was something the gift planning team focused on. This kind of collaboration eliminated silos, made us all much more effective, and we raised more money!

    What makes a gift-planning program successful? If you were giving advice to someone leading a gift planning program for the first time, what would you say to them?

    Start with the basics: bequests and beneficiary designations, and don’t be intimidated by the more complex gift vehicles. One of the first things I do to initiate or build out a planned giving program - whether I’m in my new role at NYU Langone or when I’ve worked with my consulting clients - is to take a look at integrating planned giving into the organization’s current activities. Where can you sprinkle in Planned Giving? Look for opportunities to include gift planning in activities, publications, mailings, digital tools, events, and perhaps most importantly, conversations. If the activity already exists at the organization, add to it instead of creating all new and separate channels.

    What do you feel was the biggest macro-policy shift (legislative change, tax change) that impacted your planned giving program during your time at Penn?

    I think the biggest shift is the move away from gifts of cash to gifts of assets. Non-cash assets have gone up in value making them a more desirable asset for donations. People are more concerned about capital gains than they are about estate taxes now. As people age, they are more likely to say, “I don’t need these particular assets anymore.” The continued shift of focus on gifts of assets touches on a number of the changes you mentioned – demographic, income and estate tax, and legislative changes.

    You’ve been at Penn for 18 years and built many successful relationships. Are there any donors that you plan to keep in touch with?

    Certainly, if a donor reached out to me, I would respond. But I am not a fan of keeping in touch with donors after leaving an institution because I view these donors Penn’s donors, not my donors. There are certainly donors that I will miss! Over the course of 18 years, you build relationships. In some ways, it becomes personal and it’s sad to lose those relationships whether it’s because a donor dies or because we leave the organization. But, it comes with the job!  

    As a longtime leader in our community – what do you think it will take for us to keep the Planned Giving Council of Greater Philadelphia thriving for years to come?

    I think it’s a tough time for any of the planned giving councils because the world changed with COVID and technology advances. We have so many online opportunities to engage in gift planning education. As a result, the councils are struggling to be relevant and provide value. Work from home means people don’t want to travel for meetings. But the networking and camaraderie fostered by the council is invaluable. I started with the Princeton Gift Planning Council in 1993, joined the Philadelphia Council when I started at Penn in 2005, and have been involved with local councils for 30 years. I can tell you it is priceless to have colleagues from the Council to learn from and share ideas and experiences. I may not stay in touch with donors after leaving Penn, but I will absolutely keep in touch with colleagues!

    Lastly, how can we stay in touch with you?

    Yes, I’m happy to stay in touch! You can always email me at: Lynn.Ierardi@nyulangone.org.

    You can also follow my work through my consultancy, giftplanningadvisor.com, and, of course, follow my work on Linked In.

  • Tuesday, October 10, 2023 3:01 PM | Anna Matheson (Administrator)

    Written by Delia G. Perez, CFRE, CAP®

    As we welcome refreshing autumn weather, we look forward to harvesting more opportunities to meet and network with our colleagues. We also urge you to take advantage of our PGCGP educational curriculum to improve your overall philanthropic results on behalf of the nonprofits we serve.

    We strongly encourage you to take advantage of our PGCGP educational and professional development offerings to learn from our expert presenters.

    • Attend our annual premier educational event, the Planned Giving Day Conference, on October 25th 2023 at the Inn at Villanova in Wayne, PA.
    • Register for the upcoming two-day Planned Giving Course in April 2024 as a good introduction to our philanthropic field.
    • Volunteer your time and expertise. Get involved with our PGCGP committees to ensure the success of our PGCGP program offerings while strengthening your professional skills and networking with your colleagues.
    • Get acquainted with our sponsors and take advantage of their quality services and products to better serve our planned giving community. We remain deeply grateful for our ongoing partnerships with our sponsors.

    Please consider partnering with PGCGP to cultivate connections with our constituents and colleagues. Our educational sessions offer useful venues to interact with fellow practitioners who can share their insights and advice to achieve positive results within the planned giving field. Together we can share our success stories and best practices while benefiting both the causes we serve and the benefactors who support them with their philanthropic legacies.

    We hope to see you soon and extend all good wishes for an abundant autumn!

  • Monday, September 25, 2023 3:23 PM | Anna Matheson (Administrator)

    Written by Julie Karavan, MS, CFRE

    Many of the institutions we serve welcome donors to our Legacy Societies on what is sometimes called an “inclusive” basis. That is, a donor shares that they have included the institution in their estate planning, and the donor is then included in the Legacy Society. Once a donor is a member of a Legacy Society, we have a commitment to stewardship which can often span decades. This relationship, by virtue of both prospect assignment as well as staff turnover, will often include many different development officers throughout the donor’s relationship with your institution.

    When you join a new institution, you will likely find Legacy Society members without a booked estate commitment. The gold standard for documenting an estate commitment includes a copy of a legally valid will, a trust document, or a beneficiary designation form for assets like life insurance policies or retirement accounts. However, many institutions will book the gift for advancement purposes using something else in writing; be it a signed form, agreement or memorandum affirming the commitment; a letter or email affirming the commitment from the donor to the institution or even a letter from the institution  to the donor, confirming the institutions understanding of the commitment. Review your institution’s gift acceptance policy to understand what is acceptable for booking for advancement purposes.

    For a gift officer to book an estate commitment, the donor must specify the amount they plan to give. Let’s explore tactics for arriving at a dollar amount for estate gifts, highlighting the importance of asset identification, income considerations, and techniques like anchoring, recognition, and designation.

    Identifying the Asset

    A crucial starting point in determining a dollar amount is identifying the asset your donor wishes to use in making their gift plan. Often, this involves assets that stand outside the scope of a will, such as beneficiary designations on life insurance policies, retirement accounts, or other financial instruments. Understanding which assets, the donor plans to allocate can significantly influence the size of the gift.

    For example, a donor might designate a percentage of their retirement account to your organization. In this case, calculating the approximate value of the account can provide a starting point for discussions. Ensuring that the donor has a clear understanding of the financial implications of their choice and the potential tax benefits can be a valuable part of the conversation.

    Consideration for Lifetime Income

    While donors may be eager to create a lasting legacy, they may hesitate to name an amount if they fear outliving their assets. If a donor expresses interest or concern about lifetime income for themselves or their loved ones, it may be a good time to discuss a charitable gift annuity or trust. These planned gifts can provide donors or their beneficiaries with a stream of income while supporting your institution's mission.

    Emphasizing the revocable nature of estate gifts and beneficiary designations is another opportunity to help your donor become comfortable with citing an amount and exploring with you the potential impact of a deferred gift.

    Additional Strategies

    1.      Anchoring Against Averages: One effective technique is to anchor the donor's gift against the average size of estate gifts received by your organization or in the charitable sector. By providing this benchmark, the donor may become more comfortable citing the expected amount of their deferred gift.

    2.      Recognition and Impact Levels: Another approach is to share information about specific recognition or naming opportunities at designated gift levels. When donors understand that a particular gift amount will establish a scholarship in honor of a loved one, fund research which addresses a family concern, or contribute to a significant project which will carry their name, they may be more likely to share the expected amount of their commitment.

    3.      Creating Funds with Specific Goals: Encourage donors to consider the impact they wish to achieve with their gift. Share with them a limited number, three to five levels of funding necessary to make a difference in a particular area of your institution's work. By limiting choices and asking donors to align with a level, you can pursue a conversation which encourages your donor to cite a specific level of contribution that aligns with their philanthropic vision.

    Securing estate gifts is a vital component of fundraising for many charitable organizations. These transformative gifts can have a lasting impact, but arriving at an articulated dollar amount can be a delicate and nuanced process. While the ABCs of sales is “always be closing;” the ABCs of stewardship is “always be communicating”.  Legacy Society Members require active and ongoing stewardship and communication. Part of this communication can include identifying the amount of their commitment to your institution. Tactics such as anchoring, recognition, and creating funds with specific goals can inspire donors to share their plans with you and the causes you champion.

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